Rodrigo Abd
Photos Rodrigo Abd | Text Franklin Briceno
In this March 18, 2020 photo, Cesar Alegre, accompanied by his 4-year-old daughter Lia, places a damaged apple in his shopping cart filled with discarded produce given to him by vendors at a popular market in Lima, Peru. It is a task that was hard at the best of times, but with a month-long quarantine to curb the spread of the new coronavirus that has forced millions of Peruvians to stay home and closed restaurants and food kitchens, it has become much harder to feed his children. “The virus has highlighted the selfishness that man carries inside,” said Alegre. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Photos Rodrigo Abd | Text Scott Smith and Sheyla Urdaneta
In this Nov. 23, 2019 photo, a man's body lies in a coffin before being cremated in an oven inside a private cemetery Maracaibo, Venezuela. The cremations of the deceased grew exponentially due to the burial costs, and a very high percentage of middle-class families prefer to choose the option of cremation due to the severe economic crisis in the country. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Photos Rodrigo Abd and Victor Caivano | Video Victor Caivano | Text Megan Janetsky