The Missing
Each year, tens of thousands of migrants set off from home to find a better life. They often traverse dangerous terrain. Many lose their lives. Untold numbers disappear. The Associated Press explores the stories of migration from across the world.

Photos Nariman El-Mofty | Text Lori Hinnant
The Mediterranean has been robbing Tunisia of its young, who try to sail to Europe and disappear along the way. The sea also washes up the bodies of migrants from elsewhere who had hoped north Africa would be their last stop on the way to Europe.
Photos, Video and Text Bram Janssen
South Africa is a magnet for migrants from the rest of Africa, who go there to escape poverty. But thousands end up as dead bodies that go unnamed and unclaimed.
Text Christine Armario | Photos Ariana Cubillos | Video Marko Alvarez
For nine days, a team of Associated Press journalists documented the ordeal of Venezuelan migrants as they braved armed criminals, cold weather and hunger along a 2,700-mile route from their collapsing nation to Peru.
Text Christine Armario | Photos Ariana Cubillos | Video Marko Alvarez
Before fleeing Venezuela, Sandra Cadiz asked her daughter if she wanted to use their spare money to buy a new pair of shoes for school or to try and reach Peru by foot. “Let’s go, mama,” the 10-year-old said. “I’ll walk in my broken shoes.” This is the story of their nearly 2,700 mile journey.
Photos Jerome Delay | Text Lori Hinnant
Algeria’s government has expelled over 13,000 migrants in the Sahara Desert in the past 14 months, giving them little choice but to walk to safety across the border to Niger or Mali or die trying.
Photos and text Jerome Delay
The only certainty about the man is that he was expelled from Algeria with thousands of others before ending up in a transit camp in Arlit, Niger.
Photos and text Jerome Delay
Once a well-worn roadway for off-road connoisseurs, the Trans-Sahara Highway is now a favored path for migrants heading north in hopes of a better life _ and more recently thousands who are being expelled south from Algeria.

A look at migration in the Mediterranean and North Africa. (AP Video)
Editing: Nat Castañeda
Footage: Bram Janssen, Medi Arem, AP Archive
Photos: Nariman El-Mofty

A look at the challenges migrants face as they navigate the Sahara Desert. (AP Video)
Editing: Nat Castañeda
Footage: Bram Janssen

A look at the thousands of anonymous migrants who are dying in South Africa. (AP Video)
Editing: Nat Castañeda
Footage: Bram Janssen
Video footage by Bram Janssen
Reporting Lori Hinnant
Photos Nariman El-Mofty
Photos Jerome Delay
Video editing Nat Castañeda
Text Lori Hinnant and Bram Janssen | Video Bram Janssen
An Associated Press tally has documented more than 56,800 migrants dead or missing worldwide since 2014 _ almost double the number found in a United Nations tally, the world’s only official attempt to try to count them.