Covering the Trump presidency; AP photographer sees the shot

“This is an amazing time to be covering news in Washington, D.C.,” AP Photographer Pablo Martinez Monsivais said.
“Just when I thought I’ve seen it all or done it all, photos like this one happen. I’m just lucky to be part of this.”
Monsivais is the Interim Head of Photos for The Associated Press’ Washington bureau. He’s been a photojournalist for over 25 years, 20 of those with the AP.
How did you get this shot?
I was part of the media pool, which includes print, TV, radio and photo representatives that cover president’s scheduled departure. As we now know, Trump typically uses this opportunity to do Q&As with reporters and will answers questions on the news of the day.
How many times have you been in this situation?
Countless times. I have been covering the White House since President Bill Clinton’s administration.
What stood out to you about this image?
Honestly, I was surprised the photo came out and that you could see everyone (reflected in his eyes). I couldn’t even see the back of my camera to review the image because of the sunlight. When I got into position I realized just how challenging it was going to be getting a usable image because I was shooting up and into the sun. Add to this Trump moving back and forth while answering questions.
Did you go in to the situation with the idea?
I had no idea. I was more concerned about getting a usable image for the wire.
What’s the biggest challenge in covering the White House beat?
Keeping up with all the news that comes out of the White House, and also being ready for all the surprises from this administration. I can honestly say that as a photographer this is the most access I’ve ever had and I’ve had plenty of ‘I can’t believe that just happened’. So just being ready for what might happen is challenging.
What camera settings did you use to get this shot?
Model: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II
100-400 Lens at 400mm
ISO: 500
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter: 1/800